Orion voltage stabiliser

Ensure that your devices receive the correct voltage

Standard equipment

  • Voltage control: independent phase control
  • Adjustable output voltage: 220-230-240V (L-N), 380-400-415V (L-L)
  • Accuracy output voltage: ±0.5%
  • Frequency: 50Hz ±5% or 60Hz ±5%
  • Permissible load fluctuation up to 100%
  • Permissible load asymmetry 100%
  • Cooling: natural air cooling up to 45kVA ±15%, air cooling with fans from 60kVA ±15%
  • Ambient temperature -25/+45°C


  • Storage temperature: -25/+60°C
  • Maximum relative humidity <95% (non-condensing)
  • Permissible overload: 200% 2min
  • Harmonic distortion: None introduced
  • Colour: RAL 7035
  • Protection class: IP 21
  • Instrumentation: Digital multimeter (output)
  • Installation: interior
  • Overvoltage protection: Class II surge arrester at the output (from 60kVA ±15%)

Orion voltage stabiliser

Orion voltage stabilisers are available for different input voltage fluctuations. Standard models offer a double input connection so that two different input fluctuations (± 15% / ± 20% or ± 25% / ± 30%) can be covered with the same unit.

The output voltage regulation is independent for each phase (keeping each phase to neutral voltage constant). Orion Stabilisers can be used for three-phase loads and single-phase loads with 100% current unbalance across the phases and asymmetrical mains voltage. Orion voltage stabilisers require a neutral conductor for proper operation. Operation without neutral conductor connection is possible with accessories (D/Yn isolating transformer or artificial neutral conductor).

To protect against overload and short circuit on the voltage regulator, an automatic circuit breaker is installed in the control circuit, while the auxiliary circuit is protected by microfuses. The instrumentation consists of a digital mains power analyser. It provides information about the output parameters of the voltage stabiliser, such as phase and corresponding voltage, current, power factor, effective power, apparent power, reactive power, etc. The alarms (min / max output voltage, gearmotor blocked, overheating, controller overload) are indicated by LEDs on the control card. The voltage regulation and stabilisation, which is carried out on the basis of the RMS value, is managed by a digital microprocessor. Each phase of the stabiliser is controlled by the same control board, reducing maintenance and costs. The stabilisers up to 45kVA are delivered on rollers for easier handling.

Orion ±20%/±15%

wdt_ID Type Input [%] Power [kVA] Input [V] Input [A] Output [V] Output [A] Active (effective) power [η] Speed [ms/V] ABM [WxDxH] [mm] Weight [kg]
1 4-20 ±20 4 320-480 7,30 400 5,80 >96 12 410x530x1200 90
2 5-15 ±15 5 340-460 8,50 400 7,20 >96 16 410x530x1200 90
3 7-20 ±20 7 320-480 13,00 400 10,00 >96 12 410x530x1200 110
4 10-15 ±15 10 340-460 17,00 400 14,00 >96 16 410x530x1200 110
5 10-20 ±20 10 320-480 18,00 400 14,00 >96 12 410x530x1200 140
6 15-15 ±15 15 340-460 25,00 400 22,00 >96 16 410x530x1200 140
7 15-20 ±20 15 320-480 27,00 400 22,00 >98 12 410x680x1200 155
8 20-15 ±15 20 340-460 34,00 400 29,00 >98 16 410x680x1200 155
9 20-20 ±20 20 320-480 36,00 400 29,00 >98 12 410x680x1200 180
10 30-15 ±15 30 340-460 51,00 400 43,00 >98 16 410x680x1200 180
11 30-20 ±20 30 320-480 54,00 400 43,00 >98 12 410x680x1200 200
12 45-15 ±15 45 340-460 76,00 400 65,00 >98 16 410x680x1200 200
13 45-20 ±20 45 320-480 81,00 400 65,00 >98 12 600x600x1600 310
14 60-15 ±15 60 340-460 102,00 400 87,00 >98 16 600x600x1600 310
15 60-20 ±20 60 320-480 108,00 400 87,00 >98 12 600x800x1600 425
16 80-15 ±15 80 340-460 136,00 400 115,00 >98 16 600x800x1600 425
17 80-20 ±20 80 320-480 144,00 400 115,00 >98 12 600x800x1800 510
18 105-15 ±15 105 340-460 178,00 400 152,00 >98 16 600x800x1800 510
19 105-20 ±20 105 320-480 189,00 400 152,00 >98 12 600x800x1800 580
20 135-15 ±15 135 340-460 229,00 400 195,00 >98 16 600x800x1800 580

Orion ±30%/±25%

wdt_ID Type Input [%] Power [kVA] Input [V] Input [A] Output [V] Output [A] Active (effective) power [η] Speed [ms/V] ABM [WxDxH] [mm] Weight [kg]
1 2-30 ±30 2 280-520 4,10 400 2,90 >96 8 410x530x1200 90
2 3-25 ±25 3 300-500 5,70 400 4,30 >96 10 410x530x1200 90
3 3-30 ±30 3 280-520 6,10 400 4,30 >96 8 410x530x1200 110
4 4-25 ±25 4 300-500 7,70 400 5,80 >96 10 410x530x1200 110
5 4-30 ±30 4 280-520 8,30 400 5,80 >96 8 410x530x1200 140
6 7-25 ±25 7 300-500 13,00 400 10,00 >96 10 410x530x1200 140
7 7-30 ±30 7 280-520 14,00 400 10,00 >98 8 410x680x1200 155
8 10-25 ±25 10 300-500 19,00 400 14,00 >98 10 410x680x1200 155
9 10-30 ±30 10 280-520 21,00 400 14,00 >98 8 410x680x1200 180
10 15-25 ±25 15 300-500 29,00 400 22,00 >98 10 410x680x1200 180
11 15-30 ±30 15 280-520 31,00 400 22,00 >98 8 410x680x1200 200
12 20-25 ±25 20 300-500 38,00 400 29,00 >98 10 410x680x1200 200
13 20-30 ±30 20 280-520 41,00 400 29,00 >98 8 600x600x1600 310
14 30-25 ±25 30 300-500 58,00 400 43,00 >98 10 600x600x1600 310
15 30-30 ±30 30 280-520 62,00 400 43,00 >98 8 600x800x1600 425
16 45-25 ±25 45 300-500 87,00 400 65,00 >98 10 600x800x1600 425
17 45-30 ±30 45 280-520 93,00 400 65,00 >98 8 600x800x1800 510
18 60-25 ±25 60 300-500 115,00 400 87,00 >98 10 600x800x1800 510
19 60-30 ±30 60 280-520 124,00 400 87,00 >98 8 600x800x1800 580
20 80-25 ±25 80 300-500 154,00 400 115,00 >98 10 600x800x1800 580

Orion +15%/-25%

wdt_ID Type Input [%] Power [kVA] Input [V] Input [A] Output [V] Output [A] Active (effective) power [η] Speed [ms/V] ABM [WxDxH] [mm] Weight [kg]
1 4-15/25 +15/-25 4 300-460 7,70 400 5,80 >96 14 410x530x1200 100
2 7-15/25 +15/-25 7 300-460 13,00 400 10,00 >96 14 410x530x1200 130
3 10-15/25 +15/-25 10 300-460 19,00 400 14,00 >96 14 410x530x1200 150
4 15-15/25 +15/-25 15 300-460 29,00 400 22,00 >98 14 410x680x1200 165
5 20-15/25 +15/-25 20 300-460 38,00 400 29,00 >98 14 410x680x1200 190
6 30-15/25 +15/-25 30 300-460 58,00 400 43,00 >98 14 410x680x1200 220
7 45-15/25 +15/-25 45 300-460 87,00 400 65,00 >98 14 600x800x1600 330
8 60-15/25 +15/-25 60 300-460 115,00 400 87,00 >98 14 600x800x1600 445
9 80-15/25 +15/-25 80 300-460 154,00 400 115,00 >98 14 600x800x1800 530
10 105-15/25 +15/-25 105 300-460 202,00 400 152,00 >98 14 600x800x1800 600

Orion +15%/-35%

wdt_ID Type Input [%] Power [kVA] Input [V] Input [A] Output [V] Output [A] Active (effective) power [η] Speed [ms/V] ABM [WxDxH] [mm] Weight [kg]
1 3-15/35 +15/-35 3 260-460 6,6 400 4,3 >96 10 410x530x1200 100
2 4-15/35 +15/-35 4 260-460 8,9 400 5,8 >96 10 410x530x1200 130
3 7-15/35 +15/-35 7 260-460 16 400 10 >96 10 410x530x1200 150
4 10-15/35 +15/-35 10 260-460 22 400 14 >98 10 410x680x1200 165
5 15-15/35 +15/-35 15 260-460 33 400 22 >98 10 410x680x1200 190
6 20-15/35 +15/-35 20 260-460 44 400 29 >98 10 410x680x1200 220
7 30-15/35 +15/-35 30 260-460 67 400 43 >98 10 600x800x1600 330
9 45-15/35 +15/-35 45 260-460 100 400 65 >98 10 600x800x1600 445
11 60-15/35 +15/-35 60 260-460 133 400 87 >98 10 600x800x1800 530
12 80-15/35 +15/-35 80 260-460 178 400 115 >98 10 600x800x1800 600

Orion +15%/-45%

wdt_ID Type Input [%] Power [kVA] Input [V] Input [A] Output [V] Output [A] Active (effective) power [η] Speed [ms/V] ABM [WxDxH] [mm] Weight [kg]
1 2-15/45 +15/-45 2 220-460 5,30 400 2,90 >96 8 410x530x1200 100
2 3-15/45 +15/-45 3 220-460 7,80 400 4,30 >96 8 410x530x1200 130
3 4-15/45 +15/-45 4 220-460 10,00 400 5,80 >96 8 410x530x1200 150
4 7-15/45 +15/-45 7 220-460 18,00 400 10,00 >98 8 410x680x1200 165
5 10-15/45 +15/-45 10 220-460 26,00 400 14,00 >98 8 410x680x1200 190
6 15-15/45 +15/-45 15 220-460 39,00 400 22,00 >98 8 410x680x1200 220
7 20-15/45 +15/-45 20 220-460 52,00 400 29,00 >98 8 600x800x1600 330
8 30-15/45 +15/-45 30 220-460 79,00 400 43,00 >98 8 600x800x1600 445
9 45-15/45 +15/-45 45 220-460 118,00 400 65,00 >98 8 600x800x1800 530
10 80-15/35 +15/-45 60 220-460 157,00 400 87,00 >98 8 600x800x1800 600